Based on the life and accomplishments of Dr. Kathy Magliato, this character-driven medical drama follows Dr. Alex Panttiere, an outspoken, world-famous heart-transplant surgeon and one of the few women in her industry. Alex is obstinate and bold, and she always acts on her own terms. Observe as she enjoys a seductive personal life, manages the everyday demands of sceptical faculty and obedient interns, and pushes the bounds of medical knowledge to astounding new heights.
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Based on the life and accomplishments of Dr. Kathy Magliato, this character-driven medical drama follows Dr. Alex Panttiere, an outspoken, world-famous heart-transplant surgeon and one of the few women in her industry. Alex is obstinate and bold, and she always acts on her own terms. Observe as she enjoys a seductive personal life, manages the everyday demands of sceptical faculty and obedient interns, and pushes the bounds of medical knowledge to astounding new heights.