The New Archies is a children's television show based on the popular Archie Comics. The show, created by DIC Entertainment and broadcast on NBC, recasts the high school kids of Riverdale as preteens in junior high. This includes Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, and the rest of the gang. The show lasted for one season from 1987 to1989, during which time fourteen episodes were filmed. The same name was given to a brief Archie Comics series that took place in the same continuity as the cartoon. The series was rebroadcast on Toon Disney from 1998 to2002, and on The Family Channel's Saturday morning programming from 1991 to 1993. Veronica from this show has a very typical Californian accent and vocabulary. However, in earlier cartoons and the radio show, she spoke with a southern accent. Rather than having Dilton Doiley play the "intellectual," a black man called Eugene takes on that role. Amani, a new cast member and Eugene's girlfriend. And Red, Archie's new canine companion, joined the gang.
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The New Archies is a children's television show based on the popular Archie Comics. The show, created by DIC Entertainment and broadcast on NBC, recasts the high school kids of Riverdale as preteens in junior high. This includes Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, and the rest of the gang. The show lasted for one season from 1987 to1989, during which time fourteen episodes were filmed. The same name was given to a brief Archie Comics series that took place in the same continuity as the cartoon. The series was rebroadcast on Toon Disney from 1998 to2002, and on The Family Channel's Saturday morning programming from 1991 to 1993. Veronica from this show has a very typical Californian accent and vocabulary. However, in earlier cartoons and the radio show, she spoke with a southern accent. Rather than having Dilton Doiley play the "intellectual," a black man called Eugene takes on that role. Amani, a new cast member and Eugene's girlfriend. And Red, Archie's new canine companion, joined the gang.