Nick Jr.'s The Fresh Beat Band is a children's television program featuring original pop tunes. The Fresh Beats are Shout, Twist, Marina, and Kiki, four bandmates who attend music school together and like singing and dancing. The show was filmed in Los Angeles, California, at Paramount Studios. Each episode follows the same fundamental format. Each episode begins with a song foreshadowing a problem the band will tackle. The group collaborates to find a solution. When the issue has been resolved, they will sing a song with the issue and its resolution interwoven into the lyrics. Each episode finishes with a rendition of "Great Day" by The Fresh Beat Band. Mandy Moore, Sean Cheesman, Chuck Maldonado, Scotty Nguyen, Dreya Weber, Mary Ann Kellogg, Nakul Mahajan, Mihran Kirakosian, Susan Austin, and Fred Tallaksen created the choreography for the principal roles.
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Nick Jr.'s The Fresh Beat Band is a children's television program featuring original pop tunes. The Fresh Beats are Shout, Twist, Marina, and Kiki, four bandmates who attend music school together and like singing and dancing. The show was filmed in Los Angeles, California, at Paramount Studios. Each episode follows the same fundamental format. Each episode begins with a song foreshadowing a problem the band will tackle. The group collaborates to find a solution. When the issue has been resolved, they will sing a song with the issue and its resolution interwoven into the lyrics. Each episode finishes with a rendition of "Great Day" by The Fresh Beat Band. Mandy Moore, Sean Cheesman, Chuck Maldonado, Scotty Nguyen, Dreya Weber, Mary Ann Kellogg, Nakul Mahajan, Mihran Kirakosian, Susan Austin, and Fred Tallaksen created the choreography for the principal roles.