Stranded is a reality show created by Josh Gates that depicts an unusual – and horrifying – paranormal and psychological experiment. Each episode comprises self-recorded footage from a variety of everyday paranormal aficionados, ranging from newlyweds and a brother-in-law to a trio of housemates. Each party of three will be abandoned at one of America's most haunted locales and will document their stay with hand-held cameras, creating a suspenseful, fully unscripted first-hand narrative. The group will deal with growing levels of anxiety and desolation during the duration of the confinement, resulting in an experiment that is a unique blend of psychology and the paranormal.
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Stranded is a reality show created by Josh Gates that depicts an unusual – and horrifying – paranormal and psychological experiment. Each episode comprises self-recorded footage from a variety of everyday paranormal aficionados, ranging from newlyweds and a brother-in-law to a trio of housemates. Each party of three will be abandoned at one of America's most haunted locales and will document their stay with hand-held cameras, creating a suspenseful, fully unscripted first-hand narrative. The group will deal with growing levels of anxiety and desolation during the duration of the confinement, resulting in an experiment that is a unique blend of psychology and the paranormal.