The story of a group of young brothers abandoned by their parents and forced to rely on their wits and sense of humor to survive in a harsh Manchester housing estate. While they deny it, they require assistance, which they receive from Steve, a young middle-class man who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and finds himself increasingly attached to this odd and distinctive family. Anarchic family life as seen through the eyes of a fifteen-year-old boy who battles to mature in the context of his violent father, closeted brother, insane sister, and internet porn star neighbors.
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The story of a group of young brothers abandoned by their parents and forced to rely on their wits and sense of humor to survive in a harsh Manchester housing estate. While they deny it, they require assistance, which they receive from Steve, a young middle-class man who falls for Fiona, the oldest sibling, and finds himself increasingly attached to this odd and distinctive family. Anarchic family life as seen through the eyes of a fifteen-year-old boy who battles to mature in the context of his violent father, closeted brother, insane sister, and internet porn star neighbors.