Ruby & The Rockits is an American comedy series created by Marsh McCall and Shaun Cassidy. The debut of the series occurred on July 21, 2009. Shaun Cassidy, creator of American Gothic and Invasion, developed the series. He is the brother of cast member Patrick Cassidy and the half-brother of the show's lead David Cassidy. Their youngest brother, Ryan Cassidy, worked behind the scenes on the show.
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Ruby & The Rockits is an American comedy series created by Marsh McCall and Shaun Cassidy. The debut of the series occurred on July 21, 2009. Shaun Cassidy, creator of American Gothic and Invasion, developed the series. He is the brother of cast member Patrick Cassidy and the half-brother of the show's lead David Cassidy. Their youngest brother, Ryan Cassidy, worked behind the scenes on the show.