Generation Y meets Generation X: following the popularity of Answer Me1997, '90s nostalgia continues with a 1994-set television series. Join a group of high school students as they discover the now-legendary, then-new K-pop group Seo Taiji and the Boys, the Korean Basketball League, "new" technology, and grungy fashion trends. Sometimes, looking to the past is the only way to appreciate the present. This historical excursion is sure to appeal to all ages.
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Generation Y meets Generation X: following the popularity of Answer Me1997, '90s nostalgia continues with a 1994-set television series. Join a group of high school students as they discover the now-legendary, then-new K-pop group Seo Taiji and the Boys, the Korean Basketball League, "new" technology, and grungy fashion trends. Sometimes, looking to the past is the only way to appreciate the present. This historical excursion is sure to appeal to all ages.