The American television series Lizard Lick Towing is shot in a manner that is reminiscent of a documentary or cinéma vérité. This show is a spin-off of the sitcom All Worked Up that airs on truTV. It takes place in Wendell, North Carolina, and follows a team of repossession agents led by Ron, Amy, and Bobby. The show is well-known for the numerous confrontations and brawls that take place during the actual repossessions of the homes.
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The American television series Lizard Lick Towing is shot in a manner that is reminiscent of a documentary or cinéma vérité. This show is a spin-off of the sitcom All Worked Up that airs on truTV. It takes place in Wendell, North Carolina, and follows a team of repossession agents led by Ron, Amy, and Bobby. The show is well-known for the numerous confrontations and brawls that take place during the actual repossessions of the homes.