Ed Yeager is the person responsible for the creation of the American sitcom Gary Unmarried, which aired on CBS from September 24, 2008 until March 17, 2010. The story follows a formerly married couple who have recently split up and are beginning new relationships while co-parenting their children. Yeager and Ric Swartzlander served as Executive Producers for the first season of the show, which was produced by ABC Studios and CBS Television Studios. During the recording sessions that occurred before to the series' debut on television, it was referred to as Project Gary. CBS made the announcement that it would no longer be airing the show on May 18, 2010.
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Ed Yeager is the person responsible for the creation of the American sitcom Gary Unmarried, which aired on CBS from September 24, 2008 until March 17, 2010. The story follows a formerly married couple who have recently split up and are beginning new relationships while co-parenting their children. Yeager and Ric Swartzlander served as Executive Producers for the first season of the show, which was produced by ABC Studios and CBS Television Studios. During the recording sessions that occurred before to the series' debut on television, it was referred to as Project Gary. CBS made the announcement that it would no longer be airing the show on May 18, 2010.