On Monday, March 14, 2011, the Showcase Television network broadcast Endgame, a Canadian drama television series. Thunderbird Films created and produced the series. The story features Arkady Balagan, a former World Chess Champion who uses his analytical ability to solve crimes. Balagan's fiancée Rosemary died three months before the show begins, and Balagan has developed agoraphobia. Balagan employs the skills he developed while playing chess to assist him in solving problems. The series is only available on Hulu in the United States.
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On Monday, March 14, 2011, the Showcase Television network broadcast Endgame, a Canadian drama television series. Thunderbird Films created and produced the series. The story features Arkady Balagan, a former World Chess Champion who uses his analytical ability to solve crimes. Balagan's fiancée Rosemary died three months before the show begins, and Balagan has developed agoraphobia. Balagan employs the skills he developed while playing chess to assist him in solving problems. The series is only available on Hulu in the United States.