Emergency +4 is an American animated television series based on the prime-time drama Emergency! The series premiered on NBC's Saturday morning lineup on September 8, 1973, with 23 30-minute episodes over two seasons. It continued to air on the network through reruns until September 4, 1976. Randolph Mantooth and Kevin Tighe delivered their individual voices for their Emergency! paramedic personas. The Paramedical Rescue Service was the focus of each episode of the adventure series. The "+4" in the title of the programme alludes to the four children who assist the paramedics in each episode's rescue efforts. Because Universal Studios did not have an animation section at the time, they outsourced the animation to Fred Calvert Productions.
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Emergency +4 is an American animated television series based on the prime-time drama Emergency! The series premiered on NBC's Saturday morning lineup on September 8, 1973, with 23 30-minute episodes over two seasons. It continued to air on the network through reruns until September 4, 1976. Randolph Mantooth and Kevin Tighe delivered their individual voices for their Emergency! paramedic personas. The Paramedical Rescue Service was the focus of each episode of the adventure series. The "+4" in the title of the programme alludes to the four children who assist the paramedics in each episode's rescue efforts. Because Universal Studios did not have an animation section at the time, they outsourced the animation to Fred Calvert Productions.