Mizue Tani wrote the light novel series Hakushaku to Ysei, which was published by Shueisha in Japan. Asako Takaboshi illustrated the story for the Cobalt magazine serialization. Shueisha has commercially released two drama CDs, and serialization of a manga adaptation has begun in The Margaret since the September issue of 2008. From September to December of 2008, an anime adaptation was aired. On April 30, 2009, Sony released a visual novel for the PlayStation 2.
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Mizue Tani wrote the light novel series Hakushaku to Ysei, which was published by Shueisha in Japan. Asako Takaboshi illustrated the story for the Cobalt magazine serialization. Shueisha has commercially released two drama CDs, and serialization of a manga adaptation has begun in The Margaret since the September issue of 2008. From September to December of 2008, an anime adaptation was aired. On April 30, 2009, Sony released a visual novel for the PlayStation 2.