This dramatic production is an adaptation of the British television series "Cleaning Up," which debuted on ITV in 2019. It tells the story of three cleaners at a financial company named Eo Yong-mi (played by Yum Jung-ah), Ahn In-kyung (played by Jeon So-min), and Maeng Soo-ja (played by Kim Jae-hwa), who resort to insider trading in order to provide for their families and realize their dreams after unintentionally overhearing a piece of confidential financial information.
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This dramatic production is an adaptation of the British television series "Cleaning Up," which debuted on ITV in 2019. It tells the story of three cleaners at a financial company named Eo Yong-mi (played by Yum Jung-ah), Ahn In-kyung (played by Jeon So-min), and Maeng Soo-ja (played by Kim Jae-hwa), who resort to insider trading in order to provide for their families and realize their dreams after unintentionally overhearing a piece of confidential financial information.