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Tomoya Okazaki is currently in his third year of high school, and he has grown bitter about his life. When he was a younger boy, his mother was killed in a vehicle accident, which led to his father turning to alcohol and smokes as a coping mechanism. Fighting ensues between the two as a consequence of this, and it is during one of these battles that Tomoya hurts his shoulder. Since then, Tomoya has had strained connections with his father, which has contributed to the development of his antisocial behavior over the years. During his trip to school, he comes into a peculiar girl named Nagisa Furukawa. She is a year older than he is, but she is repeating the grade since she was sick the previous year. As a consequence of this, she spends much of her time alone because the vast majority of her pals have gone on. After starting to spend time together, Tomoya begins to see that his life is moving in a different path throughout the course of time. An adaptation of a well-known visual novel game into an animated television series.
