Keith Chapman is the mind behind the creation of the animated children's show Bob the Builder, which airs on television in the United Kingdom. In the first season, Bob plays the role of a building contractor who specializes in masonry in a stop-motion animated show alongside his coworker Wendy, numerous neighbors and acquaintances, and their gang of anthropomorphized work-vehicles and equipment. The show is produced in the United Kingdom, and it is English actor Neil Morrissey who lends his voice to the character of Bob. The show is aired in a number of different countries across the world. In subsequent seasons of the show, beginning with the prequel series Ready, Steady, Build!, the animation for the show was made using computer-generated imagery (CGI). In each episode, Bob and his crew provide their assistance with various projects, including building, renovation, and repair work, as well as any other tasks that may arise. The resolution of conflicts, working together, interacting with others, and the development of a wide range of social skills are all emphasized throughout the performance. The other characters, in response to Bob's catchphrase "Can we fix it?", say "Yes we can." This statement is also the title of the show's theme song, which was a million-selling number one hit in the UK. The song was written by the show's composer.
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