Baby Daddy follows Ben, a young man in his early twenties who lives in New York City with his best friend, Tucker, and brother, Danny, as a bachelor. When they return home one day to find a newborn girl left on the doorstep by Ben's ex-girlfriend, their lives are flipped upside down. Ben decides to raise the infant with the support of his buddies, his watchful and often overbearing mother, Bonnie, and his close female friend, Riley, after considerable debate.
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Baby Daddy follows Ben, a young man in his early twenties who lives in New York City with his best friend, Tucker, and brother, Danny, as a bachelor. When they return home one day to find a newborn girl left on the doorstep by Ben's ex-girlfriend, their lives are flipped upside down. Ben decides to raise the infant with the support of his buddies, his watchful and often overbearing mother, Bonnie, and his close female friend, Riley, after considerable debate.