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Slow Video

Jang-bu was just like any other boy, except for one thing: He could see everything moving as if it were in slow-motion. As his friends called him "monster eyes," he decided to stay at home and not go out to play with them. In the past, his only friend was TV. As time goes on, Jang-bu grows up and now works at the CCTV control center, which is what he should do. Seeing people live through the lens of a camera makes him feel like he's living their normal life, which he's never been able to live himself. This job opens his heart to the world, and Jang-bu starts to make some friends outside of the control center because of it. It helps him to think about himself with the help of his best friends. He finally decides to ask for the love of his life from CCTV, who he has known for a long time.
