This new adaptation brings the classic story of the wooden child on an exciting journey to life through a combination of live action and computer-generated imagery. The woodcarver, Geppetto, who creates Pinocchio and treats him like his own son, Jiminy Cricket, who acts as both a guide and a "conscience" for Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy, "Honest" John, Sofia the Seagull, and The Coachman also make appearances.
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This new adaptation brings the classic story of the wooden child on an exciting journey to life through a combination of live action and computer-generated imagery. The woodcarver, Geppetto, who creates Pinocchio and treats him like his own son, Jiminy Cricket, who acts as both a guide and a "conscience" for Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy, "Honest" John, Sofia the Seagull, and The Coachman also make appearances.