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Nothing Is Truer than Truth

Nothing Is Truer than Truth

It's a feature-length documentary about Edward de Vere, the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, an A-list party boy on the continental circuit, who spent one and a half years in Venice and traveled throughout Europe learning about commedia dell'arte and collecting the experiences that would eventually become Shakespeare's plays. As a result of his 1575-76 journey to Italy, De Vere was able to visit many of the famous locations from Shakespeare's plays like THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, OTHELLO, ROMEO AND JULIET, and TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA while filming this film. Sir Derek Jacobi, Mark Rylance, Tina Packer, and Diane Paulus star in the film, which posits that the appellation Shake-speare was coined because De Vere was bisexual.
