Harold is the protagonist of the narrative, an outcast in a society ruled by authoritarian bureaucracy. In Prague, Harold seeks to locate an old acquaintance, Joseph Kilian. In an impulse purchase, Harold rents a cat from a state-run cat-lending store. It turns out the store has closed down when he tries to return the cat later. Harold continues his quest for Kilian with the help of a new acquaintance, a dog. This 40-minute short, written and directed by Pavel Juracek, expertly fires its allegorical shots at personality cults and authoritarian state absurdities.
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Harold is the protagonist of the narrative, an outcast in a society ruled by authoritarian bureaucracy. In Prague, Harold seeks to locate an old acquaintance, Joseph Kilian. In an impulse purchase, Harold rents a cat from a state-run cat-lending store. It turns out the store has closed down when he tries to return the cat later. Harold continues his quest for Kilian with the help of a new acquaintance, a dog. This 40-minute short, written and directed by Pavel Juracek, expertly fires its allegorical shots at personality cults and authoritarian state absurdities.