For the first time since its release in Japan as "The Return of Godzilla" in 1984, "Godzilla 1985" has been released in the United States. As a direct sequel to the 1956 "Godzilla King of the Monsters," which featured scenes with Raymond Burr edited into the 1954 "Godzilla," this 16th Godzilla film includes fresh footage of Burr. As a huge lizard terrorizes Japan, this film brings back the darker tone of the original.
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For the first time since its release in Japan as "The Return of Godzilla" in 1984, "Godzilla 1985" has been released in the United States. As a direct sequel to the 1956 "Godzilla King of the Monsters," which featured scenes with Raymond Burr edited into the 1954 "Godzilla," this 16th Godzilla film includes fresh footage of Burr. As a huge lizard terrorizes Japan, this film brings back the darker tone of the original.