The story's protagonist is an 18th-century English preteen named Jim Hawkins. He opens the first episode writing a diary in his room at the British Admiralty College, which hosts the royal school of captaincy officers cadets. Jim is older and tells, as in Stevenson's book, all the wonderful adventures from when Billy Bones entered the inn he operated with his mother, the Admiral Benbow. This opening curtain of the reminiscing Jim, who writes and renews the summary and cohesiveness, brings us through the series...
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The story's protagonist is an 18th-century English preteen named Jim Hawkins. He opens the first episode writing a diary in his room at the British Admiralty College, which hosts the royal school of captaincy officers cadets. Jim is older and tells, as in Stevenson's book, all the wonderful adventures from when Billy Bones entered the inn he operated with his mother, the Admiral Benbow. This opening curtain of the reminiscing Jim, who writes and renews the summary and cohesiveness, brings us through the series...