Ren & Stimpy is an American animated television series created by Canadian animator John Kricfalusi. The show debuted with Rugrats and Doug on Nickelodeon's Nicktoons block on August 11, 1991. Ren Höek, an emotionally disturbed chihuahua, and Stimpson J. Cat, a good-natured but dimwitted cat, are the central protagonists of the series. On the network, the show aired for five seasons. During and after its existence, the show gained critical praise, and some critics credit it with paving the way for satirical animated shows such as Beavis and Butthead and South Park, as well as playing an important part in television animation. The Ren & Stimpy Show was known for its off-color humor, sexual innuendo, and violence throughout its existence, all of which contributed to production team clashes with Nickelodeon's Standards and Practices department. Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon," a spin-off for adult audiences, debuted on Spike in 2003 but was quickly discontinued.
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Ren & Stimpy is an American animated television series created by Canadian animator John Kricfalusi. The show debuted with Rugrats and Doug on Nickelodeon's Nicktoons block on August 11, 1991. Ren Höek, an emotionally disturbed chihuahua, and Stimpson J. Cat, a good-natured but dimwitted cat, are the central protagonists of the series. On the network, the show aired for five seasons. During and after its existence, the show gained critical praise, and some critics credit it with paving the way for satirical animated shows such as Beavis and Butthead and South Park, as well as playing an important part in television animation. The Ren & Stimpy Show was known for its off-color humor, sexual innuendo, and violence throughout its existence, all of which contributed to production team clashes with Nickelodeon's Standards and Practices department. Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon," a spin-off for adult audiences, debuted on Spike in 2003 but was quickly discontinued.