The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions, and The Movie Network, a Canadian pay-TV channel. Though it has the same name as the feature film The Hunger Games, the series has no clear plot or character relation to the film and was created by Jeff Fazio. The series, which aired on the Sci Fi Channel in the United Kingdom, The Movie Network in Canada, and Showtime in the United States from 1997 to2000, is divided into two seasons. Terence Stamp hosted each show for the first season, then David Bowie took over for the second season. Stories tended to center on themes of self-destructive desire and obsession, with a heavy dose of soft-core erotica thrown in for good measure; frequent tropes for the stories included cannibalism, vampires, sex, and poison.
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The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions, and The Movie Network, a Canadian pay-TV channel. Though it has the same name as the feature film The Hunger Games, the series has no clear plot or character relation to the film and was created by Jeff Fazio. The series, which aired on the Sci Fi Channel in the United Kingdom, The Movie Network in Canada, and Showtime in the United States from 1997 to2000, is divided into two seasons. Terence Stamp hosted each show for the first season, then David Bowie took over for the second season. Stories tended to center on themes of self-destructive desire and obsession, with a heavy dose of soft-core erotica thrown in for good measure; frequent tropes for the stories included cannibalism, vampires, sex, and poison.