The BBC drama series The Chase debuted on July 16, 2006, for the first time on air. The Chase revolved around a small animal hospital that was owned and operated by a family. Gaynor Faye, the daughter of the show's creator Kay Mellor, contributed to the writing of it as a co-author. Otley and the surrounding areas in West Yorkshire were used for a significant amount of filming for the series, which takes place in the made-up town of "Oxley."
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The BBC drama series The Chase debuted on July 16, 2006, for the first time on air. The Chase revolved around a small animal hospital that was owned and operated by a family. Gaynor Faye, the daughter of the show's creator Kay Mellor, contributed to the writing of it as a co-author. Otley and the surrounding areas in West Yorkshire were used for a significant amount of filming for the series, which takes place in the made-up town of "Oxley."