Bisco Hatori is the creator of the manga series Ouran High School Host Club, which was published in Hakusensha's LaLa magazine in installments beginning in September 2002 and continuing through November 2010. The story centers on Haruhi Fujioka, a student at Ouran High School who receives a scholarship, as well as the other members of the school's popular host club. The satirical romantic comedy pokes fun at the cliches and archetypes that are prevalent in shjo by focusing on the relationships that exist both inside and outside of the Club. In addition, there are sporadic instances in which the characters interact with the audience directly. The manga has been transformed into a number of other mediums, including audio dramas, an animated television series that was directed by Takuya Igarashi and produced by Bones, and a visual novel that was created by Idea Factory.
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Bisco Hatori is the creator of the manga series Ouran High School Host Club, which was published in Hakusensha's LaLa magazine in installments beginning in September 2002 and continuing through November 2010. The story centers on Haruhi Fujioka, a student at Ouran High School who receives a scholarship, as well as the other members of the school's popular host club. The satirical romantic comedy pokes fun at the cliches and archetypes that are prevalent in shjo by focusing on the relationships that exist both inside and outside of the Club. In addition, there are sporadic instances in which the characters interact with the audience directly. The manga has been transformed into a number of other mediums, including audio dramas, an animated television series that was directed by Takuya Igarashi and produced by Bones, and a visual novel that was created by Idea Factory.