The story focuses on the lives of two different women who volunteered as nurses during the American Civil War: New England abolitionist Mary Phinney and Confederate supporter Emma Green. The viewer is taken beyond the battlefield and into the lives of Americans on the Civil War home front as they face the unprecedented challenges of one of the most turbulent times in our nation's history. The setting of the show, which is based on true stories and takes place in a Union hospital in the occupied Confederate city of Alexandria, transports viewers into the lives of those Americans.
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The story focuses on the lives of two different women who volunteered as nurses during the American Civil War: New England abolitionist Mary Phinney and Confederate supporter Emma Green. The viewer is taken beyond the battlefield and into the lives of Americans on the Civil War home front as they face the unprecedented challenges of one of the most turbulent times in our nation's history. The setting of the show, which is based on true stories and takes place in a Union hospital in the occupied Confederate city of Alexandria, transports viewers into the lives of those Americans.