This drama, based on Keiko Suenobu's manga "LIFE," dives into the darker side of high school life. The manga's major theme is bullying, but it also touches on self-mutilation, suicide, and rape. Kitano Kii plays Ayumu Shiiba, one of the students tormented by a group of classmates lead by Ayumu's old friend, Manami Anzai (Fukuda Saki).
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This drama, based on Keiko Suenobu's manga "LIFE," dives into the darker side of high school life. The manga's major theme is bullying, but it also touches on self-mutilation, suicide, and rape. Kitano Kii plays Ayumu Shiiba, one of the students tormented by a group of classmates lead by Ayumu's old friend, Manami Anzai (Fukuda Saki).