Lascars is a French animated show made by Boris Dolivet, also known as "El Diablo." It first aired on Canal + in France in 1998. This show had two seasons, the first in 1998 and the second in 2007. There was also a pilot for a 20-minute show, a comic book, and a movie. The episodes follow the misadventures of young men who live in a neighborhood. Hip-hop culture is a big part of the show, and most of the voice actors are French rappers. In Canada, Lascars shorts were shown on Teletoon and were called "Homiez" in English.
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Lascars is a French animated show made by Boris Dolivet, also known as "El Diablo." It first aired on Canal + in France in 1998. This show had two seasons, the first in 1998 and the second in 2007. There was also a pilot for a 20-minute show, a comic book, and a movie. The episodes follow the misadventures of young men who live in a neighborhood. Hip-hop culture is a big part of the show, and most of the voice actors are French rappers. In Canada, Lascars shorts were shown on Teletoon and were called "Homiez" in English.