In1972-1973, George was a Swiss-Canadian television series that aired on CTV on Thursday evenings. Based on the 1971 film George!, the series follows the adventures of a St. Bernard and his Swiss owner. Marshall Thompson starred in both the film and the subsequent half-hour television series. The series debuted on CTV on September16,1972, in the Thursday evening slot. The lone season of George aired from 1973 to 1973. The program was deemed "abysmal" by Blaik Kirby of the Globe and Mail. Despite its brief run and poor critical reception, the series was rebroadcast for years on CTV stations, typically on Saturday mornings.
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In1972-1973, George was a Swiss-Canadian television series that aired on CTV on Thursday evenings. Based on the 1971 film George!, the series follows the adventures of a St. Bernard and his Swiss owner. Marshall Thompson starred in both the film and the subsequent half-hour television series. The series debuted on CTV on September16,1972, in the Thursday evening slot. The lone season of George aired from 1973 to 1973. The program was deemed "abysmal" by Blaik Kirby of the Globe and Mail. Despite its brief run and poor critical reception, the series was rebroadcast for years on CTV stations, typically on Saturday mornings.