Freddy's Nightmares is a horror anthology series that originated in the United States and ran in syndication from October 1988 all the way through March 1990. A spin-off from the Nightmare on Elm Street film series, Freddy Krueger served as narrator for each of the short stories. This format is virtually identical to that used in Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Tales from the Crypt, and The Twilight Zone, among other shows. Tobe Hooper was the one who directed the pilot episode, and it begins with Freddy Krueger being acquitted of the child-murdering charges. This is because the officer who arrested Freddy did not go over the Miranda warning with Freddy before he was taken into custody. Freddy is eventually cornered by a group of parents in a power plant, which results in the police officer torching him to death and giving him his signature appearance when he passes away. New Line Television, the same company that produced the film series, created the television show. In the beginning, Lorimar-Telepictures was in charge of its distribution. After the acquisition of Lorimar-Telepictures, however, Warner Bros. Television would take up responsibility for syndication rights.
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Freddy's Nightmares is a horror anthology series that originated in the United States and ran in syndication from October 1988 all the way through March 1990. A spin-off from the Nightmare on Elm Street film series, Freddy Krueger served as narrator for each of the short stories. This format is virtually identical to that used in Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Tales from the Crypt, and The Twilight Zone, among other shows. Tobe Hooper was the one who directed the pilot episode, and it begins with Freddy Krueger being acquitted of the child-murdering charges. This is because the officer who arrested Freddy did not go over the Miranda warning with Freddy before he was taken into custody. Freddy is eventually cornered by a group of parents in a power plant, which results in the police officer torching him to death and giving him his signature appearance when he passes away. New Line Television, the same company that produced the film series, created the television show. In the beginning, Lorimar-Telepictures was in charge of its distribution. After the acquisition of Lorimar-Telepictures, however, Warner Bros. Television would take up responsibility for syndication rights.