Zombies return in this eagerly anticipated sequel to 2015's critically acclaimed Zombieworld. Zombies have risen in the aftermath of a horrific virus that killed the majority of humanity. As the undead take over Earth and multiply, the last survivors strive to defend themselves and their planet from extinction in this unique horror anthology created by DreadCentral's Steve Barton and Miguel Rodriguez. Welcom te acerca del mundo de los zombies!
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Zombies return in this eagerly anticipated sequel to 2015's critically acclaimed Zombieworld. Zombies have risen in the aftermath of a horrific virus that killed the majority of humanity. As the undead take over Earth and multiply, the last survivors strive to defend themselves and their planet from extinction in this unique horror anthology created by DreadCentral's Steve Barton and Miguel Rodriguez. Welcom te acerca del mundo de los zombies!