In Daniel Stine's first feature film, Virginia Minnesota, a young woman is at a crossroads. The story is about how a broken friendship can find new ground. With her life unclear, Lyle (Rachel Hendrix) goes on an impromptu road trip and runs into an old friend, Addison (Aurora Perrinau). Addison is also lost, and the two of them end up traveling together. Addison and Lyle were separated by a bad experience they both had as kids. In order to move on as adults, they must face their shared past. During the trip, they find out how their old friendship has affected their lives now and how their new friendship will shape their lives as young adults.
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In Daniel Stine's first feature film, Virginia Minnesota, a young woman is at a crossroads. The story is about how a broken friendship can find new ground. With her life unclear, Lyle (Rachel Hendrix) goes on an impromptu road trip and runs into an old friend, Addison (Aurora Perrinau). Addison is also lost, and the two of them end up traveling together. Addison and Lyle were separated by a bad experience they both had as kids. In order to move on as adults, they must face their shared past. During the trip, they find out how their old friendship has affected their lives now and how their new friendship will shape their lives as young adults.