Porco Rosso, also known in Japan as Crimson Pig (Kurenai no Buta), is Hayao Miyazaki's sixth animated feature, released in 1992. You meet an Italian World War I fighter ace who is now a freelance bounty hunter seeking "air pirates" in the Adriatic Sea. He was cursed to have a pig's head. He was previously known as Marco Pagot, but is now better known as "Porco Rosso," Italian for "Red Pig."
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Porco Rosso, also known in Japan as Crimson Pig (Kurenai no Buta), is Hayao Miyazaki's sixth animated feature, released in 1992. You meet an Italian World War I fighter ace who is now a freelance bounty hunter seeking "air pirates" in the Adriatic Sea. He was cursed to have a pig's head. He was previously known as Marco Pagot, but is now better known as "Porco Rosso," Italian for "Red Pig."