This movie began as a play in Paris. The plot centers on one day in the life of Bertrand Barnier, portrayed by Louis de Funes, a cinematic genius of French cinema. In the same morning, he discovers that his daughter is pregnant, an employee has stolen a substantial sum of money from his business, his maid is preparing to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor, and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The ostensibly convoluted plot is rife with comedy, blunders, and some of the funniest mime performances in French cinema.
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This movie began as a play in Paris. The plot centers on one day in the life of Bertrand Barnier, portrayed by Louis de Funes, a cinematic genius of French cinema. In the same morning, he discovers that his daughter is pregnant, an employee has stolen a substantial sum of money from his business, his maid is preparing to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor, and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The ostensibly convoluted plot is rife with comedy, blunders, and some of the funniest mime performances in French cinema.