Despite their evident differences, a booming model industry connects Siberia and Tokyo. It follows Ashley, an unreliable model scout scouring the Siberian hinterland for new faces to sell to the Japanese market, and Nadya, a 13-year-old Siberian girl lured into a lucrative career in Tokyo. But their stories are intricately linked after Ashley first discovers Nadya. Ashley's cynicism about the industry's toxic impact contrasts with Nadya's hope about saving her family's financial situation.
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Despite their evident differences, a booming model industry connects Siberia and Tokyo. It follows Ashley, an unreliable model scout scouring the Siberian hinterland for new faces to sell to the Japanese market, and Nadya, a 13-year-old Siberian girl lured into a lucrative career in Tokyo. But their stories are intricately linked after Ashley first discovers Nadya. Ashley's cynicism about the industry's toxic impact contrasts with Nadya's hope about saving her family's financial situation.