Emiya Shirou is a young magus who goes to Fuyuki City's Homurahara Academy. One day, he is cleaning the Archery Dojo at his school when he sees a fight between superhuman beings. He gets involved in the Holy Grail War, a ritual where magi called Masters fight each other with their Servants to win the Holy Grail. Shirou joins the fight to stop a bad guy from getting the Grail and to save innocent people, but everything goes wrong when a mysterious person called "Shadow" starts killing people in Fuyuki without any rhyme or reason.
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Emiya Shirou is a young magus who goes to Fuyuki City's Homurahara Academy. One day, he is cleaning the Archery Dojo at his school when he sees a fight between superhuman beings. He gets involved in the Holy Grail War, a ritual where magi called Masters fight each other with their Servants to win the Holy Grail. Shirou joins the fight to stop a bad guy from getting the Grail and to save innocent people, but everything goes wrong when a mysterious person called "Shadow" starts killing people in Fuyuki without any rhyme or reason.