In this new annual installment of the Detective Conan films, Kaito Kid strikes once more. An actress has ordered Mouri Kogoro to guard a valuable jewel that Kid has pledged to steal. On the day of the robbery, Kaito Kid disguised himself as Shinichi and fought Conan, eventually fleeing. To thank them, the actress invited Kogoro and his family and friends to Sapporo, but a bigger scheme is in the works, and a major emergency is about to unfold aboard the plane they're flying in...
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In this new annual installment of the Detective Conan films, Kaito Kid strikes once more. An actress has ordered Mouri Kogoro to guard a valuable jewel that Kid has pledged to steal. On the day of the robbery, Kaito Kid disguised himself as Shinichi and fought Conan, eventually fleeing. To thank them, the actress invited Kogoro and his family and friends to Sapporo, but a bigger scheme is in the works, and a major emergency is about to unfold aboard the plane they're flying in...